Love Grows Here in the Overgrown Garden
Welcome to my new blog! I’ve been blogging for over ten years. Lately, it hasn’t been so easy to write. My kids are older and their news is their news. Maybe covid and current events have closed me off a little as well. Yet, that’s not how I want to be. I started writing because it was therapeutic. It still is.
I titled this new site, “Notes From An Overgrown Garden Of Life” because that’s how I often think about the largeness of family life, being a serious piano teacher, and taking care of a whole lot of flora and fauna. It is a lot like working in the garden. We want to plant new plants and try new ideas but the old plants still need water and love and meanwhile they are propagating all over the property and also meanwhile the weeds are growing like weeds. It’s time sensitive and it can be overwhelming, and depending upon the eyes you look through, at any given moment it’s either beautiful or complete chaos.
A wise man, in the form of my husband, once said, if you are only going to be happy when things are perfect, you are probably not going to be very happy. True in the garden, and true in life. So I get down on my knees and pull some weeds and try to maintain some semblance of order and beauty. While I’m there I say a little prayer that God would use me to some small service through it all.
Every day we make moment by moment decisions to place our focus on the weeds or on the flowers. As Jesus said, the weeds will always be with you. Wait. . .that wasn’t quite right. Anyway, the weeds are always there, still, we must try to shine the light towards the flowers of gratitude.
My hope is to make this blog a place where love grows. An alumni parent gave me the idea for the title, “Love Grows Here.” That is my goal.